Sunrise Kids

SunriseKids a program for ages Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade, and is held each Sunday morning from 11 am to 12 PM.  Led by screened, trained, qualified and caring teachers, this program utilizes Biblical curriculum along with theme-based Sunrise developed materials, and is a special time that’s designed to be fun and creative.  Each week, SunriseKids starts with worship time. Kids then break up into age groups to hear stories from the Bible and participate in age-appropriate reflection activities.

Mission:    Sunrise Kids is a PLACE where children:

Praise God
Love each other
Advance in knowledge
Connect through doing
Excite by sharing



  • Teach the Bible creatively
  • Provide a safe, age-appropriate environment
  • Build meaningful peer and mentor relationships
  • Equip children to share the gospel faithfully