40 Days of Community Series

Why 40 Days of Community?

Now more than ever, we see people desiring community!  The challenges of Covid-19 have left all of realizing that loneliness can be toxic to our souls.  God designed His people to be in community!  This is why we meet as a church, and as Life Groups (small group gatherings).  Through these groups, we are able to enjoy each other, celebrate together, pray for one another and study the gift of God’s Holy Bible.

Series Description:

In 40 Days of Community, formerly titled Better Together, pastor and best-selling author Rick Warren teaches us how to fulfill God’s five purposes for our lives, including the biblical support behind each purpose. Through this series, individuals and groups will be able to identify ways to use this knowledge to benefit God’s kingdom.

Sessions include:

1. What Matters Most
2. Reaching Out Together
3. Belonging Together
4. Growing Together
5. Serving Together
6. Worshiping Together

How to Join:

To learn more about Life Groups or to join one, contact our Life Group Coordinator, Mike O’Shaughnessey.  You can e-mail him at mikeoshaughnessey@sunrisecrc.org, or you may call the church office at (765) 471-9548