Seeing The Unseen Christ

This Adventure Promises

Life Transformation!

Are you someone who admits that your spiritual sight isn’t as sharp as you’d like? That if Jesus is present every Sunday in church, you’re not sure where he sits? Or that experiencing his presence the rest of the week is like trying to read the smallest line on an eye chart? If that’s the case, you’ll find this Spiritual adventure a godsend.

You’ll learn all about seeing Christ more clearly, practicing his presence, and making lifestyle changes to accommodate the new you. More specifically, you’ll discover how to:

  • Worship him with genuine enthusiasm
  • Lavish his love on others
  • Embrace righteousness and renounce evil
  • Serve him with gratitude and eagerness
  • Surrender to truth of God’s Word
  • Experience the privilege of authentic prayer
  • Delight in introducing him to others
  • Celebrate God’s gift of life at its best

The Adventure Is for Everyone

Join us on this 50 day adventure.  We predict that by the end of it, your spiritual sight will be dramatically improved! Resulting in your wanting to continue seeing Jesus clearly beyond this study. Your spiritual eyesight and insight will keep getting better and better!